
I’m baaaaack!!

Hi…sorry I’ve been away. Life happened, then more life, then…well, 2020! Need I say more? I have been writing though…just not blogging. But now here I am, and as any creative person, a little inconsistency must be expected of me. So please…bear with…


The next two weeks, I’m gonna make it short & simple. A friend suggested, while discussing writing and getting recognised for it– “try listicles, you know, like top places to eat/ visit etc.” Obviously, I looked at him funny with a, “oh, you meant the thing ERRRRRRYONE is doing as ‘online creative writing?!’ How original!” …

Top FIVES! Read More »

Testing this out…

Testing…one…two…is it working? If it is, yay! Finally I’m going to finally have expressions and thoughts unfurl in this space for you to see my style, mood et all. Nerve wrecking as it is for any writer to be exposed like this, it is also exhilarating. Hope this works…for all of us 😉