Podcast Enthusiast
SMARTLESS has become a part of my life
SMARTLESS has become a part of my life
Of course there has been more than usual TV time this year. I’m not complaining about that, anyone who knows me, knows it’s my absolute favourite thing to do. But it’s more than just entertainment. When I like a show, it’s not just the story, the relationships, the frustrations of a plot twist, “Argh, don’t do …
Calm down, I want to start by stating that my gay friends are more “mannerly” towards me than many straight men I’ve met. When I was younger, I used to roll my eyes and joke, ‘chivalry is dead.’ It was normally a response to a boy being mannerless or lacking quality. Chivalry seems to have …
Hi…sorry I’ve been away. Life happened, then more life, then…well, 2020! Need I say more? I have been writing though…just not blogging. But now here I am, and as any creative person, a little inconsistency must be expected of me. So please…bear with…
I’ve lived in Delhi ALL my life. Born & raised. Three years ago, I moved to Goa. But, I live between the two cities. Alternate months. It’s a good life. I got back to Delhi a week ago, and for the first time in my life, I just am not being able to cope with …
The reverse: Big to bog and lovin’ it! (Part 2 of a 2- part post) So to continue where I left off…you heard my view on the urban cup getting fuller. But from urban to rural, the tides are changing too. The hectic life in a big busy city is juuuuust fine. Until, there is …
The bog to big, and lovin’ it? (Part 1 of a 2-part post) In India, as it is for people everywhere, life is hectic. The big city life is busy with organizer schedules in bursting filo faxes, scribbled in or digital calendars filled with endless agendas, meetings, and plans. Some gravely important dates, like the …