Podcast Enthusiast
SMARTLESS has become a part of my life
SMARTLESS has become a part of my life
In the world of non-stop Internet chatter, breaking news, constant happenings, trends, and hashtags, it’s strange to have nothing to write about. It isn’t a first, and it definitely won’t be a last. It’s not that I disappeared or I’m in a bad place. I just didn’t have anything to say. It might be something …
I found this from some time ago, it still holds, so I want to share it. But, I couldn’t help think of friends who have been down the same path. We are unique in our reactions, but to the same experiences. So yes, yours is different than mine, and yet, you wandered into my thoughts, …
If you have one, you know, If you have a few, oh- happy- chaos, If you don’t have one, you’ll always wonder. It’s a blessing to have siblings; it’s a bonus to have a sister. The friend, the soul mate, the mirror, The voice of reason, the biggest support, the chief critic, There is no …
I’ll admit, I get my news from random updates that Google throws at me or newsfeeds or people talking. You won’t see me bent over a newspaper as a daily ritual. And while I tried in the early days, I just found it too depressing, so I stopped. So, you read, and fill me in, …
The report on the health of Government healthcare. The bottom line is, if you don’t know anyone to pull some influential strings or know someone who knows someone who has a relative who knows someone to pull strings, your life is worthless. Was this the GREAT Indian dream on the stroke of midnight in 1947? …
The next two weeks, I’m gonna make it short & simple. A friend suggested, while discussing writing and getting recognised for it– “try listicles, you know, like top places to eat/ visit etc.” Obviously, I looked at him funny with a, “oh, you meant the thing ERRRRRRYONE is doing as ‘online creative writing?!’ How original!” …